Saturday, February 19, 2011


Spirit is the "watcher". Spirit is the awareness that I am not my body, and I am not my mind. Of course, the body and mind are attached to me, but until I began to understand this third part, the "watcher", my body and mind were caught up in terrible cycles of all kinds, and without me!
Were you to sit and watch your thoughts, but not get involved with any of them, you could then understand that there is someone who is watching. That someone is YOU. So how could you be your thoughts? We are not our thoughts, but many people are not aware of this, and are so caught up in their minds, that they do not even live in reality. Their minds can be anywhere at anytime, and a person who lives in his mind is rarely, if ever, in the present moment. A person who lives in his mind has little awareness of his surroundings, including other people. A person who lives in his mind, causes his body to feel all sorts of emotions, constantly feeling anger, or elation, and this, many people believe, is the cause of much illness. We can feel all of these strong emotions, our bodies can get tight, our breath quickens, and the only thing going on is the movie in our head.

Just try it! Imagine that your thoughts are like clouds drifting by. Instead of getting on one and taking a ride, just watch it go by. Another one will soon follow, and another, but you just watch and don't let them entice you to get involved. At first, there may be many thoughts, but if you don't stir them up, there will begin to be gaps between them, and with practice, they will stop! Stillness! What is left? YOU. SPIRIT. This is YOUR body, and YOUR mind, not the other way around.

It takes practice and determination, but can be done by anyone! Get to know your SPIRIT!(YOU)

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