Sunday, February 13, 2011

Body/What kind of seeds do YOU plant?

I am not sure how to begin this talk. This is the subject that has had the most profound affect on me, and wanting to share it, I just don't know how to begin. Perhaps the best way is to just go back to the beginning of my experience, so that is what I will do!

A few years ago I went for a massage, and while sitting in the waiting area, I picked up a book on Christianity and thumbed through it. The author and I shared very different idea's about things in general, but this one particular chapter caught my eye. It was, in fact, a chapter devoted to the human eye. The author went into some detail about the human eye, how it reacts to changes in light and distance, how it operates so fast that we don't even notice it. We don't even notice it. The author gave much more detail about the human eye, but by that time, I had gone into sort of a trance. The human eye is more powerful, and a far greater machine than any human or team of humans could make. I immediately began to think "Man can't make an eye ball." It sounds kind of silly to me now, but the thought crept out into everything. Bodily organs, skin, the sense of smell, the ears, animals, pine straw... My close friends can back me up on the fact that one of my favorite sayings became "Man can't even make a piece of pine straw!"
It may be that a great creation of the Universe, the human body, is something that we don't even notice. That's because we have never been without it! We get so used to having eyes and ears, and of being able to walk and move around, that we don't even think about it, it's a given. Building a spaceship to fly to the moon isn't nearly as complex as the simple act of us opening our eyes and getting out of bed.

What we can do is plant seeds. I have begun to ask myself the questions "What kind of seed am I?" and "What kind of seeds do I want to plant today?"

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