Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Dates for SPIRIT Healing Music Meditation

The first SPIRIT Healing Music Meditation was held at Unity of Savannah Center for Spiritual Awakening, and it was a great success! There were approximately 30 people in attendance, and afterwards, there were a lot of positive remarks as well as requests to do it some more! So we are going to do it some more!
Again, I want to thank Reverend Dale Worley and Reverend Arlene Meyer, for their support, and for offering the beautiful space and facilities. These two individuals have made such a positive impact on my life, and I am very grateful that they are allowing us to use the space at Unity.

We have scheduled three more dates:
Sunday November 6th @ 5:30-7p.m.
Sunday November 20th @ 5:30-7p.m.
Sunday December 4th @ 5:30-7p.m.

Please plan to attend if you can, and also, help us spread the word! Thank you and more please!!!


Sunday, October 16, 2011

On Positive Thinking

Negative thoughts are like the leaves at the top of a tree. They themselves are just small leaves, but they stem from a tall tree and deep roots. Imagine dark negative roots below the ground that rise into a trunk, and then a tall tree with many branches and leaves. This tree can only emit negativity, and only knows how to take in more negative energy to feed off of. Meditate on this cycle, it is amazing.
Negative roots do not produce positive leaves. In a tree of negativity, roots and leaves are not even aware of one another.

One day a dark, depressed, angry leaf spied a leaf of light atop a near-by tree, and curiosity was sparked! The negative leaf was tired of being dark and depressed, and especially so, now that he could see a leaf that was joyful and positive and made of light. So the dark leaf, in desperation, called out to the leaf of light, who heard the call, and gladly shared his light with the dark leaf.

At first, there were many times when the dark leaf did not feel positive, but spoke positively anyway. There were many days when the dark leaf felt hopeless, like he could never become a leaf of light, but the leaves of light were always there to reassure him, and to urge him on. The dark leaf began to pay less and less attention to other dark leaves, he surrounded himself as much as possible with leaves of light. He denied all darkness and affirmed all light as much as he possibly could. Things began to change. The leaf began to stop taking in negative energy from other dark leaves and also stopped spreading his negative energy. He learned how to spread positive energy, even though he didn't always feel like it. But one day he did feel positive! dark leaf found himself to be a little lighter. NOW HE BELIEVED!!! "This really works!!!" he exclaimed, and then he really went about this business of creating more and more light inside of himself.

Soon there was a tree who was made of very deep negative roots, a negative trunk and branches, but the top of the tree was filled with positive leaves of light. The positive leaves were careful to spend their days talking with other trees that had other positive leaves. From leaves of light, they learned how to become leaves of light themselves!

When it became time for the leaves to fall to the ground, they brought their light down to the ground, and soon, a little light began to seep in to the deeply buried dark negative roots. The great transformation had begun.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Music Healing

It seems that when I say the word "healing", I get a lot of funny looks. Perhaps people think that I am talking about raising a disabled person from a wheel chair or bringing site to the blind? I feel sure that the word "healing" has gotten a bad rap, and that is too bad. It's pretty sad that people are skeptical about the idea of "healing", but maybe that is just another sign that I need to raise my voice. Healing can simply be helping someone to feel better in any way. I'm not afraid anymore that people will not like me or that they will think I'm strange. HEALING! (So there!)

Heal/ Verb(used with object)
to make healthy, whole, or sound; restore to health; free from ailment.
to bring to an end or conclusion, as conflicts between people or groups, usually with the strong implication of restoring former amity; settle; reconcile: They tried to heal the rift between them but were unsuccessful.
to free from evil; cleanse; purify: to heal the soul.

As a child I spent untold hours listening to music, and playing guitar. My parents never had to make me practice, but they did have to make me stop for dinner. I played and played, and at some point I noticed that when I was troubled, something was wrong, or I just wanted to "get away", I could just play guitar and get lost. The main point here though, is that when I got finished playing, I felt BETTER. I had been transported to the other side of whatever had been bothering me. Music not only took my mind off my troubles, it healed me!

Music is the most powerful healing agent that I know of, and it is a true honor to be a musician. Music heals the soul. Of course I play music in all sorts of settings, but when I play what I call "Healing Meditation Music", it is mostly spontaneous. I go to my "presence", establish myself in the moment, and then I let it happen. It isn't songs, though sometimes I do work off of patterns, but mostly it is about sounds and timing. At any given time, it is safe to say that I don't know where my fingers are going to go next! I just enjoy the ride and let it flow, and I get healed! If it heals me, it might heal you too!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011