Thursday, June 2, 2011

Religious Tolerance

Please tread carefully through this world. The ego is alive and well, and has been for century's. People in general have a strong need to be "right". People who are "right" get together, and decide that other people are "wrong". People, or ego's I should say, like to fight, condemn, and kill people who are "wrong".

THE GOLDEN RULE is called that, because of it's huge value. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
Perhaps what is in question here is: What do we do when people treat us badly, or not how we would like to be treated? How do we cohabitate with people who are different? Most importantly, "How do we treat ourselves?"

These are a few good questions:
1) Do I feel a strong need to be "right"?
2) Do I feel like I know "the way", while most people do not?
3) Do I see my ego or do I feel like I don't have one?
4) Do I hold people's differences against them?
5) How do I look at people who are different from me?

We all have common threads of life, breath, and the I AM inside of us. There are African Americans, White people, Chinese, short haird Polo shirt college guy, long haired hippy guy, surfer guy, gangsta, redneck, another long list of "clicks". The most important thing that each of us has, is the same thing, the ONENESS. Please do not condemn another person. Chances are, it is someone you see on the news that you don't even know. Chances are very good that the person you are condemning is not doing anything that will affect you at all. So why do you care? To feel "better than". There is no escaping subdivisions and classes of people, no matter where you are. It isn't just in the material countries, but everywhere. Work towards catching yourself, and correcting yourself. Remind yourself of our common thread.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Kyle - great site too! I'll look forward to visiting frequently.
